218 research outputs found

    ITRPCA: a new model for computational drug repositioning based on improved tensor robust principal component analysis

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    Background: Drug repositioning is considered a promising drug development strategy with the goal of discovering new uses for existing drugs. Compared with the experimental screening for drug discovery, computational drug repositioning offers lower cost and higher efficiency and, hence, has become a hot issue in bioinformatics. However, there are sparse samples, multi-source information, and even some noises, which makes it difficult to accurately identify potential drug-associated indications.Methods: In this article, we propose a new scheme with improved tensor robust principal component analysis (ITRPCA) in multi-source data to predict promising drug–disease associations. First, we use a weighted k-nearest neighbor (WKNN) approach to increase the overall density of the drug–disease association matrix that will assist in prediction. Second, a drug tensor with five frontal slices and a disease tensor with two frontal slices are constructed using multi-similarity matrices and an updated association matrix. The two target tensors naturally integrate multiple sources of data from the drug-side aspect and the disease-side aspect, respectively. Third, ITRPCA is employed to isolate the low-rank tensor and noise information in the tensor. In this step, an additional range constraint is incorporated to ensure that all the predicted entry values of a low-rank tensor are within the specific interval. Finally, we focus on identifying promising drug indications by analyzing drug–disease association pairs derived from the low-rank drug and low-rank disease tensors.Results: We evaluate the effectiveness of the ITRPCA method by comparing it with five prominent existing drug repositioning methods. This evaluation is carried out using 10-fold cross-validation and independent testing experiments. Our numerical results show that ITRPCA not only yields higher prediction accuracy but also exhibits remarkable computational efficiency. Furthermore, case studies demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our method

    Drug Repositioning Based on Bounded Nuclear Norm Regularization

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    Motivation: Computational drug repositioning is a cost-effective strategy to identify novel indications for existing drugs. Drug repositioning is often modeled as a recommendation system problem. Taking advantage of the known drug–disease associations, the objective of the recommendation system is to identify new treatments by filling out the unknown entries in the drug–disease association matrix, which is known as matrix completion. Underpinned by the fact that common molecular pathways contribute to many different diseases, the recommendation system assumes that the underlying latent factors determining drug–disease associations are highly correlated. In other words, the drug–disease matrix to be completed is low-rank. Accordingly, matrix completion algorithms efficiently constructing low-rank drug–disease matrix approximations consistent with known associations can be of immense help in discovering the novel drug–disease associations. Results: In this article, we propose to use a bounded nuclear norm regularization (BNNR) method to complete the drug–disease matrix under the low-rank assumption. Instead of strictly fitting the known elements, BNNR is designed to tolerate the noisy drug–drug and disease–disease similarities by incorporating a regularization term to balance the approximation error and the rank properties. Moreover, additional constraints are incorporated into BNNR to ensure that all predicted matrix entry values are within the specific interval. BNNR is carried out on an adjacency matrix of a heterogeneous drug–disease network, which integrates the drug–drug, drug–disease and disease–disease networks. It not only makes full use of available drugs, diseases and their association information, but also is capable of dealing with cold start naturally. Our computational results show that BNNR yields higher drug–disease association prediction accuracy than the current state-of-the-art methods. The most significant gain is in prediction precision measured as the fraction of the positive predictions that are truly positive, which is particularly useful in drug design practice. Cases studies also confirm the accuracy and reliability of BNNR. Availability and implementation: The code of BNNR is freely available at https://github.com/BioinformaticsCSU/BNNR. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    A novel square root adaptive unscented Kalman filter combined with variable forgetting factor recursive least square method for accurate state-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries.

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    Lithium-ion battery state-of-charge (SOC) serves as an important battery state parameter monitored by the battery management system (BMS), real-time and accurate estimation of the SOC is vital for safe, reasonable, and efficient use of the battery as well as the development of BMS technology. Taking the ternary lithium battery as the research object, based on the second-order RC equivalent circuit model, a variable forgetting factor least square method (VFFRLS) is used for parameter identification and a combination of the square root of covariance and noise statistics estimation techniques to estimate the SOC, to solve the problem of dispersion of the unscented Kalman filter and the error covariance tends to infinity with iterative calculation, thus ensuring the accuracy of SOC estimation. The feasibility and robustness of the algorithm and the battery state estimation strategy are verified under HPPC and BBDST conditions with maximum errors of 1.41% and 1.53%, respectively. The experimental results show that the combined algorithm of VFFRLS and SRAUKF has good robustness and stability, and has high accuracy in the SOC estimation of Li-ion batteries, which provides a reference for the research of lithium-ion batteries

    A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems

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    In recent years, the recommendation systems have become increasingly popular and have been used in a broad variety of applications. Here, we investigate the matrix completion techniques for the recommendation systems that are based on collaborative filtering. The collaborative filtering problem can be viewed as predicting the favorability of a user with respect to new items of commodities. When a rating matrix is constructed with users as rows, items as columns, and entries as ratings, the collaborative filtering problem can then be modeled as a matrix completion problem by filling out the unknown elements in the rating matrix. This article presents a comprehensive survey of the matrix completion methods used in recommendation systems. We focus on the mathematical models for matrix completion and the corresponding computational algorithms as well as their characteristics and potential issues. Several applications other than the traditional user-item association prediction are also discussed
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